Friday, December 07, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Kitty woo and free election
My new kitty was on my lap today and I was thinking how this is a perfect illustration of God and free will and election.
We went to the animal hospital in my area to look at a flame point siamese that was advertised on petfinder. I thought we could take a look after church. When we walked in, they escorted us to a small room with two cats in cages and I immediately saw my new kitty. It wasn't the one we came to see, but his unadvertised sister- a torti point. I had been asking God for this for awhile and here she was. We took her home and it has been fantastic.
While she sat on my lap, I realized this is how the election argument is presented. God walks in to the small room and chooses us because He wants to. I choose Kitty Woo based on her looks- I didn't know her personality. But here is where I differ...while I choose Kitty Woo, she had to respond somehow in order for us to have a relationship. After time spent with her, she follows me around and as soon as I sit down, she jumps up and curls on my lap. For me, election is a both/and argument. I don't think I have anything in me that 1st pursued God- He came to me but I did respond. Why? I don't know why? Did I still have some area of uncorrupted reason- no, but why then? This is one area that I know cannot be solved by theologians today and am glad I can just love God without it.
A friend from church and school and I were talking about the follow through that seems lacking from a popular preacher who is communication vision about the need to follow through with social justice issues and oppression. It is a great thing he is doing, but at some point there needs to be a "surrender" and a choice. This is what Kitty Woo illustrated to me, Not some lofty talk about theology and Calvinism vs. Armenianism, but real life in our community that is reflecting a love for people and creation that is based on God's act of redemption. We need to reflect God's love through our choosing to be with people just because God loved us first. We need to walk the balance between sharing the full gospel and working with the community to reverse oppression and bring justice and reflect God's mercy.
All this because of Kitty Woo. Who knew God could use a cat to teach me these intense lessons I listen to in seminary.
We went to the animal hospital in my area to look at a flame point siamese that was advertised on petfinder. I thought we could take a look after church. When we walked in, they escorted us to a small room with two cats in cages and I immediately saw my new kitty. It wasn't the one we came to see, but his unadvertised sister- a torti point. I had been asking God for this for awhile and here she was. We took her home and it has been fantastic.
While she sat on my lap, I realized this is how the election argument is presented. God walks in to the small room and chooses us because He wants to. I choose Kitty Woo based on her looks- I didn't know her personality. But here is where I differ...while I choose Kitty Woo, she had to respond somehow in order for us to have a relationship. After time spent with her, she follows me around and as soon as I sit down, she jumps up and curls on my lap. For me, election is a both/and argument. I don't think I have anything in me that 1st pursued God- He came to me but I did respond. Why? I don't know why? Did I still have some area of uncorrupted reason- no, but why then? This is one area that I know cannot be solved by theologians today and am glad I can just love God without it.
A friend from church and school and I were talking about the follow through that seems lacking from a popular preacher who is communication vision about the need to follow through with social justice issues and oppression. It is a great thing he is doing, but at some point there needs to be a "surrender" and a choice. This is what Kitty Woo illustrated to me, Not some lofty talk about theology and Calvinism vs. Armenianism, but real life in our community that is reflecting a love for people and creation that is based on God's act of redemption. We need to reflect God's love through our choosing to be with people just because God loved us first. We need to walk the balance between sharing the full gospel and working with the community to reverse oppression and bring justice and reflect God's mercy.
All this because of Kitty Woo. Who knew God could use a cat to teach me these intense lessons I listen to in seminary.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
this it legitimate today?

Everyone knows the quote from St. Francis Assisi "Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words." But do we really understand it and if it still correct for today.
St. Francis Assisi lived in another time and place, quite different than where we live today. First of all, his identity was defined in that culture due to his office in the church. All would recognize him as a "man of God" just because of the age in which he lived (monks, nuns, and the church). He could come into a town and minister along side people where they would recognize his "calling" and office as directed from the church. There was no hiding his purpose or mission.
Here was his missional statement for ministry:
Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
We are not there today!
When we minister alongside our community, we have no distinquishining marks (white collar, black clothes, robes) that mark our identification with a church or religion. We are just like everyone else. Therefore, our context may not be understood by those receiving our "works."
OK, this is why this quote bugs me as people quote it today. What this implies is that we should work alongside others without the need to preach. And by "preach" I mean- tell of the gospel: salvation and the good news.
Here is another quote from St. Francis...
While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.
He is also advocating preaching with words. His 1st quote therefore does not exclude preaching with words. Today people take this quote and use it to justify their work in the community without the need to proclaim the gospel.
Here I go...this is a "both and" debate! We need to proclaim the gospel with both our works and our words. This problem with this is that it is difficult. We may not get written up or get great feedback. We actually may get negative backlash. I know...their is a negative connotation to going into a community with an agenda...but there has to be a way to emphasize both.
I am struggling with this. I want to continue with this struggle. But my point is....are we really doing ALL that is necessary to reach our community both with our works and or words.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
What are we talking about?
Is it possible that we American Christians so fooled into thinking that we need to judge our behavior against others and not against Scripture? I attended a meeting that it seemed that we needed to forgive our teens stuff because they aren't as bad as the other kids. I am all about forgiveness...this is not the point. But are we so immature as adult Christians as to think we should be OK with teens that mess up because at least it is not as bad as them! I think not. I know teens will mess up, hey we do as adults all the time but we cannot become Pharisitical. That is to judge our actions and deeds according to the holiness richter scale. Is this what Jesus fought hard to illustrate? We are not supposed to just measure up to these outward standards in order to be OK. If I interpret my actions in accordance to what others do, I fail all the time and neglect the working of the Holy Spirit. My soul must be clean by remaining in continued relationship to God. It is about my actions being guided by God. If I only rely on the standards set by the world...I am not representing God or CHRISTianity. 1 Jn. 2:3-11: If you really know me, you'll obey my Word...and walk as Jesus loving your brother. All our actions are based against this.
Hey, just a thought.
Hey, just a thought.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What happens when you are confronted with issues that push your beliefs and challenge the way you live and act? What happens is that you either choose to grow or remain stuck. I am confronted with the prospect of choosing my future based on my past. I have been looking at my future, trying to fit in to a church and life after seminary. What am I afraid of?
My God is big and totally able to deal with me and where I need to be. I am afraid of not knowing and being hurt because of it.
God- I need to seek you, not the future. Please provide me with You.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
family and cost

My children are right now "jamming" their way through some melody or another. My son is on his electric guitar and my daughter is on the baby grand piano. What a way to communicate. They started playing the same thing but now both are practicing their lessons (at the same time). I guess that is what we get for supporting their musical gifts. God made music and they are both being creative with this gift. They are not competing for sound, just lost in the beauty of confusion I guess.
well, off to finish my "incarnation" of Beyond Cheap Grace. Great book- makes you wonder why it has taken so long for this to be realized in the 20th century- now into the 21st. It is so easy to give away something cheaply if you did not pay for it yourself. For the most part, we as American Christians have not had to "pay" for their faith. That is probably why we are in the "decline" in faith that is not happening elsewhere.
The question then is...Am I ready for costly discipleship? I think I am but what does that mean for me in a white, middle class church? How does that translate from sitting in the pews and consuming to engaging people in order to show the vision of Jesus- to walk as He walked.

Friday, October 12, 2007
Day Off

October really means "fall" to us- It represents the death of one way of living (single) and the hope of renewing life each year. We also seem to "fall" in love over and over again.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Lord's Prayer

Hallowed be Thy Name.
What does it mean to make God's name "hallowed"?
First, the structure of the prayer starts with three Imperatives. Imperatives are verbs that are acting as commands or instructions. It seem to me that when we are calling on God and declaring His name Holy, we are not really just declaring such a thing.
The Greek renders it: Your name is Holy. All that God is is wrapped up in His name. We are saying that "on earth, as it is in heaven" means that God is sinless, without fault and without us declaring anything, He is still supreme.
Our prayer then is to mean that we are saying to all the world (and the heavenly realms) that God is supreme and we are bowing to His authority in our life. We are asking for Him to be glorified through all we do and say, which means it is an invitation to let God work in us.
Not so easy when you put it that way, huh? I am willing and able to ask God today to work in me in such a way that declares to eaveryone else that He is Holy?
Ponder that.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
New beginnings
Starting a new year... third year of seminary. It has been an interesting journey to say the least. Not as tough as I first imagined, but still very challenging. I have learned more in these two years that could keep someone busy for a lifetime. Ah, the grace of God and His plan.
My daughter has started her senior year in Hign School, and my son is a freshman. He declared today that he is enjoying H.S. much better than he thought. My husband is in his eleventh year teaching at a college and still enjoys the students.
I have been recently challenged and the next months should be interesting in terms of growth, both spiritual and mentally.
My daughter has started her senior year in Hign School, and my son is a freshman. He declared today that he is enjoying H.S. much better than he thought. My husband is in his eleventh year teaching at a college and still enjoys the students.
I have been recently challenged and the next months should be interesting in terms of growth, both spiritual and mentally.
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