Ah kids...
I am blessed to have two great kids. B1 is finishing up her senior year and B2 is in his freshman year. B1 is taking a class at our community college and is getting ready for college next year. We are praying that she is ready and will be going to Florida for Music.
B2 is more excited about Driver's Ed.
They have been so supportive of me in school and have been busy trying to do housework and chores to aid in the running of the house. Sometimes I wonder how it happened that they "get it" and help out. Why am I surprised? I have no idea why though.
There is still so much to do though. B1 has struggled with math and will not graduate unless she passes the college math course. It seems like an uphill battle, always. I have been pondering why my children are slow to grow up and become independent. I think sometimes the lack of me allowing them to run off to this and that and go with anyone, has led them to be more home bodies. We have been very careful how they spend their time, but with that, they have not had much opportunity to create their own way as of yet. While other kids are hanging around, mine are at home for movie night with us. I do not mind at all. It is just that I need to find ways to help them develop their independence and personal responsible decision making.
Again, I am just pondering. I am thankful that we all have such a good relationship.
Again, I still am waiting for the other "shoe" to drop and it all falls away. Why do I have to assume such rebellion. Many years ago, someone told me that all kids do not need to rebel, but I still have my doubts. I think rebellion also can take many forms and I pray that my children can exercise their independence in positive and healthy ways that stretch them and cause them to grow more in their own relationship to God and self.
Any thoughts?