A new thing: http://www.passagesatchristchurch.blogspot.com/
I have joined forces with other women in my church to launch a new thing. This is a new thing because we are creating a way for women to come together in alrger community to study God' Word with teaching in a small group format. We've combined the small group concept with a larger teaching section and worship-for the purpose of community.
I have been amazed at the way God has worked this all out. Why am I amazed-because I am surprised at my cooperativeness and lack of stubborness.
Yeah- I do not have all the answers. This collaboration was met with conflict and personality angst. I had to reframe my vision to allow others to shape and form their vision. Why is this vital? The product of this collaboration is so much bigger than what I could have done on my own. God graciously allowed my vision to actually come into fruition because of the ideas and vision of others. I simply tagged along. Now-this new thing has been birthed and we are off.
I desire for people (in this case women) to be transformed by God, His Word and Spirit. I want others to take joy from sitting at Jesus' feet and learning about the Kingdom of God. The life I live better reflect all my study or it is done in vain. For too long, I have observed others who have spent Wed. mornings in study after study- only to change themselves and not the larger community. I think this may have to do with my view of Kingdom building. As we are transformed, we affect those around us- both within the community of God and outside it. This is imperative. I am not questioning others transformation- but when we study for the purpose of gaining knowledge only and don't impact others- what are we really doing?
This new thing will be built around teaching others to learn for themselves. We will be giving the women readings and questions that will allow them to learn and study any other passage in Scripture later on. What a concept! Teaching how to learn! This is not new to anyone who loves God's Kingdom people. Transformation is done by the Spirit and not the teacher-but sometimes we get the privilege of pointing people toward that process. Yeah! :)
I pray for this new thing that we become contagious to those outside our community in order draw then in. Let's be the Kingdom of God that loves-reaches out and impacts their lives.
Is this too much to dream of....well, it is not my dream-so it is God that will bring His will to pass!