We are trying so hard to be good parents. It is like trying to see the future before we get there. B1 was accepted into college and now we wait for financial aid. And wait. We know what "our" plans are and what we desire, but is that really her future. Then, there is B2 my son, whom we need to place in an alternative school. He is going to struggle even more if things don't change. So, we had an interview at a private school today, and it is a long shot. It would be great for his future, again finances are even a longer shot.
I am just walking through the processes here. It is really all I can do. Pray- trying to convince God that this would be a great thing for both. Pray- trying to convince God that we know what is best. Pray- trying to let go and allow God to show us His future for our kids. Pray.
Parenting. The Future. I am so glad I did not know when my children came I did not know the future. Isn't that funny, now I want the future, but could not have handled it then. Hmmm?
We would never do anything if we knew how it was going to turn out. We'd all be cowering under our covers, biting our nails.
I agree, Patty. Hope your kids are well. Cheryl, congrats to B1!! Say hi to your family from ours.
Heck, I STILL spend way too much time under there chewing on my nails! If only there were Garanimals for life we'd be all set!
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