Well, my beautiful daughter turns eighteen this week and it hasn't quite hit me yet. Well, it has, its just I am maintaining equilibrium.
After much to do about math....she is graduating and completing her education (ha!). This is just bringing relief and malaise from her, but for her dad and me, it is a time to look back and remember. Oh, not her, this is about our graduation from high school.
I was thinking the other day that my senior year was just icky. I was so not there. I think I just was in limbo land. I did not want to move on in life, yet I was so sick of school. I thought about my memories, and I can only remember class day and graduation for my freshmen, sophomore, and junior years (I was in the choir and we got to attend class day and grad. in order to sing. These times I thought about those leaving. By the time it was my turn, I had been jaded by those that had returned to "visit" teachers. I thought this was so creepy-move on already, you are no longer famous here. Anyhow, this was how I viewed graduation, and cared even less about the pomp and circumstance.
Well, back to B1. 18 and ready to graduate. She is starting to realize the magnitude of it all, yet has no idea what that really means. I think she is ready to go and yet feels the need to cling to my even movement. I actually did not take a class these next two weeks because I needed to be at home, just in case some "senior" activity was taking place. The whole "senior" week is so, so, so made up by those teachers who are still, literally and figuratively, in High school. Hey, when did "the prom" become "Prom." Oh, I better be careful, this too may go on my permanent record. What a joke. The seniors were warned that if they skipped school this last week, there would be no prom of 6 Flags- yippee- more time to skip and be real.
Ok, enough of the "American" experience. I have been really thinking how fast 18 yrs. go and still remember being 5 mo. pregnant and playing with silly string on New Years Eve. She was just a thought to us then, and now, an absolutely, amazing gift.
I haven't begun the tears yet, I will soon though...for tomorrow I see her conduct her first choir and will be so proud.
Oh, I know....
Hey, Denise told me she did really well, and couldn't believe how much she'd grown. Wish her congratulations and our best with college, please!
oh, she is beautiful! Congratulations to her on both graduating and the big 18! My sister-in-law also just turned 18 and graduated in the same week, her birthday was the 6th. When was B's? Oh, by the way, I am coming to rhode island this august! First time in over of 6 or 7 years! Wow!
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