I am presently in New Hampshire at Pilgrim Pines with a bunch of Evangelical Covenant women clergy, on a retreat. I have connected to these women in a number of ways. These women are working as sole pastors, senior pastors and co-pastoring in churches and a few other organizations. I have been able to learn so much about what women pastors face and their daily struggles. They also have been a great source of encouragement. I needed this break right now- so much school work to do.
There have been a number of things that have been on my mind and I have been juggling with other issues. This has made me crancky! It is time though, always around spring- depression, allergies, and the lot. I hate spring. I know it is strange but it must be allergy induced. It is just at this time that I need to spend time being positive. While I am not sure I can vent right now, there are ways to say- Uggg! This time is yucky.
First, I am feeling a greater call to be in ministry. My schooling is almost done- a few more classes. But what to do. I need to pay attention to my feelings in all this, but I need to step up. That is difficult. I want people to approach me and it all to go easy, but it is not!
God is giving me grace to navigate some tricky issues. I will have to go out of who I regularly am. This will be new to me in some ways but painful because it reminds me of stepping out before, without good results. This is scary! I will be entering a new phase.
If you happen to pray- lift this up: That all of us that are working on our "ministry" [aka- motherhood, work, a specific ministry, school, et. al.] may be given the grace to continue what God has sent before us- and to be bold, when God asks us to step up!
1 comment:
Thanks for the kind comment. We would appreciate your prayers. We are plugging along, and hoping for the best, knowing this is not a short road. The trouble is that the older two have to sign off to make their adoption final, and they are both rumbling about how they want to go back to foster care. It's like trying to convince a child to choose healthy food over candy. It's a very hard sell.
How's things up your way? Gorgeous day here today, and E is coming to hang out...so it's never ALL bad!
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