I am not a statition- I am not even good at math but I can prove that I know statistics probably better than most of the experts- for example:
- if there are multiple directions or paths for a vacuum to trail after you, it will always find the corner of a wall or bureau in which to get caught on
- if you have just finished cleaning the floor, someone will enter and trail in mud even if it hasn't rained in weeks
- statistically the vacuum will always be full- even if you emptied it yesterday
- if you are vacuuming the rug upstairs, the attachment will be downstairs and vice versa
- if you stick the last white load in the washer, you'll finally find that last dirty sock, 15 mins. too late
- the dishwasher will always be full and not started yet
- if you get in the shortest lane at the grocery store and you are in a hurry- it will take twice as long as the longest line there
- if you only need one thing to finish up a recipe, you'll go to the store and that will be the only thing they don't have
These are just a few things that drive me crazy. I swear that my vacuum is possessed and has a mind of its own. It is the one thing that can make me bonkers in just a few seconds. Why? I don't know- it just is so.
It is such a minor thing, but I will continue to add my statistical analysis to this blog. Do you have statistics to add?
Those are good!! The choosing of the store check-out line is my pet peeve, I always pick the wrong one!
Like I'm really suffering to have to wait, right? But it drives me nuts. Hey, what night is best for you guys to come over for coffee?
How about this:
If there are ball fields of linoleum, and only a tiny doormat of rug, the cat will run to the rug to vomit.
If the cat is heaving in the middle of the night, you will have just enough time to be wrenched from sleep, throw back your covers, snatch the cat, run across the carpeted bedroom and thrust the cat onto the bathroom floor. But the cat will have puked six inches before the bathroom floor, directly on the bedroom carpet.
While you are cleaning up the puke on the rug, the cat will go find another obscure piece of carpet to finish throwing up. Preferably under someone's bed.
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