No, I am not mistaken- I know it is Spring, but I mean...fall- as in fall down the stairs, head first!
Yes, I did. Monday night I stepped off the top stair and my left knee collapsed and I fell forward- crashing my right knee on the steps, then falling more into the bottom stair with my right shoulder and arm and landing on my forehead on the slate floor. I rolled off and laid there thinking- it is impossible for me to be OK.
Well, I am OK. Actually, my knee is swollen and very sore- but not broken. My arm and shoulder are bruised and achy- but not broken. My head is sore and hurts after reading too much- but not cracked. Overall, my body feels like I fell a story down, but am in remarkable recovery as it goes.
Two thoughts-
1> Praise God! The Lord is my Protector doesn't even begin to cover it. I understand a calling is a calling, and we all have one...but this is way beyond. I only have missed a class this week and am up to date with all that is due. Again, miraculously.
2> Life is fragile. It brings new perspective every day. I must remember this blessing and greet others with the grace that has been extended to me. Grace, grace, grace. Why is it that we (me) have the critical radar on at all times, but understand what grace is? Because I am fragilely human, and love myself. I am grateful this morning to know- "a table is set before me in the presence of my enemies" and yet my cup overflows with His grace and blessings.
Thank you Lord! Again for another life lesson. God is good, all the time; all the time, God is good. And that is not circumstancial- it is eschatological!
Oh, Cheryl, I'm sorry to hear that you're hurting! How frightening! I thank God with you for the safety. Hope you are feeling better.
Wow, glad you're ok. About the critical radar - it's not just you. I do it too; and as much as I think I'm way too critical, I'm constantly shocked at the amount of mean things that come out of people's mouths, compared to the amount of kindness. That's so sad. :(
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