Tuesday, October 30, 2007


What happens when you are confronted with issues that push your beliefs and challenge the way you live and act? What happens is that you either choose to grow or remain stuck. I am confronted with the prospect of choosing my future based on my past. I have been looking at my future, trying to fit in to a church and life after seminary. What am I afraid of?

My God is big and totally able to deal with me and where I need to be. I am afraid of not knowing and being hurt because of it.

God- I need to seek you, not the future. Please provide me with You.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

family and cost

My children are right now "jamming" their way through some melody or another. My son is on his electric guitar and my daughter is on the baby grand piano. What a way to communicate. They started playing the same thing but now both are practicing their lessons (at the same time). I guess that is what we get for supporting their musical gifts. God made music and they are both being creative with this gift. They are not competing for sound, just lost in the beauty of confusion I guess.

well, off to finish my "incarnation" of Beyond Cheap Grace. Great book- makes you wonder why it has taken so long for this to be realized in the 20th century- now into the 21st. It is so easy to give away something cheaply if you did not pay for it yourself. For the most part, we as American Christians have not had to "pay" for their faith. That is probably why we are in the "decline" in faith that is not happening elsewhere.

The question then is...Am I ready for costly discipleship? I think I am but what does that mean for me in a white, middle class church? How does that translate from sitting in the pews and consuming to engaging people in order to show the vision of Jesus- to walk as He walked.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Day Off

This is what my husband does, but it is also who he is. Creative and loving. I am approaching 19 yrs. of marriage with this wonderful guy and am overwelmed with the feeling of surprise. I am surprised that love meant this; I am surprised, that comparitively, I didn't "love" him on the day of our wedding; I am surprised that this is turning out so good; I am surprised that God loves me so much that he brought us two together. Thank You!

October really means "fall" to us- It represents the death of one way of living (single) and the hope of renewing life each year. We also seem to "fall" in love over and over again.

where I dream...