Tuesday, November 20, 2007

this quote...is it legitimate today?

Everyone knows the quote from St. Francis Assisi "Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words." But do we really understand it and if it still correct for today.

St. Francis Assisi lived in another time and place, quite different than where we live today. First of all, his identity was defined in that culture due to his office in the church. All would recognize him as a "man of God" just because of the age in which he lived (monks, nuns, and the church). He could come into a town and minister along side people where they would recognize his "calling" and office as directed from the church. There was no hiding his purpose or mission.

Here was his missional statement for ministry:

Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

We are not there today!

When we minister alongside our community, we have no distinquishining marks (white collar, black clothes, robes) that mark our identification with a church or religion. We are just like everyone else. Therefore, our context may not be understood by those receiving our "works."

OK, this is why this quote bugs me as people quote it today. What this implies is that we should work alongside others without the need to preach. And by "preach" I mean- tell of the gospel: salvation and the good news.

Here is another quote from St. Francis...

While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.

He is also advocating preaching with words. His 1st quote therefore does not exclude preaching with words. Today people take this quote and use it to justify their work in the community without the need to proclaim the gospel.

Here I go...this is a "both and" debate! We need to proclaim the gospel with both our works and our words. This problem with this is that it is difficult. We may not get written up or get great feedback. We actually may get negative backlash. I know...their is a negative connotation to going into a community with an agenda...but there has to be a way to emphasize both.

I am struggling with this. I want to continue with this struggle. But my point is....are we really doing ALL that is necessary to reach our community both with our works and or words.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

What are we talking about?

Is it possible that we American Christians so fooled into thinking that we need to judge our behavior against others and not against Scripture? I attended a meeting that it seemed that we needed to forgive our teens stuff because they aren't as bad as the other kids. I am all about forgiveness...this is not the point. But are we so immature as adult Christians as to think we should be OK with teens that mess up because at least it is not as bad as them! I think not. I know teens will mess up, hey we do as adults all the time but we cannot become Pharisitical. That is to judge our actions and deeds according to the holiness richter scale. Is this what Jesus fought hard to illustrate? We are not supposed to just measure up to these outward standards in order to be OK. If I interpret my actions in accordance to what others do, I fail all the time and neglect the working of the Holy Spirit. My soul must be clean by remaining in continued relationship to God. It is about my actions being guided by God. If I only rely on the standards set by the world...I am not representing God or CHRISTianity. 1 Jn. 2:3-11: If you really know me, you'll obey my commands....my Word...and walk as Jesus walked...by loving your brother. All our actions are based against this.

Hey, just a thought.

where I dream...