Friday, February 29, 2008


We are trying so hard to be good parents. It is like trying to see the future before we get there. B1 was accepted into college and now we wait for financial aid. And wait. We know what "our" plans are and what we desire, but is that really her future. Then, there is B2 my son, whom we need to place in an alternative school. He is going to struggle even more if things don't change. So, we had an interview at a private school today, and it is a long shot. It would be great for his future, again finances are even a longer shot.

I am just walking through the processes here. It is really all I can do. Pray- trying to convince God that this would be a great thing for both. Pray- trying to convince God that we know what is best. Pray- trying to let go and allow God to show us His future for our kids. Pray.

Parenting. The Future. I am so glad I did not know when my children came I did not know the future. Isn't that funny, now I want the future, but could not have handled it then. Hmmm?

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I am starting my next sermon for the spring term and the subject is "entitlement." This type of sermon is a bit different since it starts with the subject and then I need to find the appropriate text in which this is spoken about. I am finding it difficult. No concordance lists all the text on "entitlement"- just kinding, not even a glance. But then that means I have to approach this a different way. I am starting to think about this subject though:

What is it that makes most "Christians" feeled entitled? I think it stems from the fact that we believe our Christianity gives us the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." This confuses us. We have taken this Americanism and mixed it with the gospel so that the issues we face are decided and debated with this in mind. So "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" becomes about divorce and abortion, and every other issues that makes Christianity complex. If we can say that we've made a decision because "it makes us happy, and God wants us happy" this is improper exegesis- at least of the correct text. Where in your Bible does it say- you are entitled to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." If my husband doesn't make me happy anymore- I can file for divorce and explain how he emotionally neglected me to my small group and get comforted and encouraged. It is so not right.
OK, so here is the entitlement thing. We American Christians think we are entitled to "xyz" because God wants us happy! I can think of a few places where Paul was not a happy person. He actually gave his life and liberty to save people. Obviously Jesus did the same. No where in the New Testament do we get this. So, back to my text... This is harder to pinpoint than I thought.

So, do you see my dilemma? If you have any feedback, let me know.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Last fall...

This was only a few months ago, but such an important moment in our lives and his. He is now serving with us in our worship team playing the guitar. Such a big deal for him. He is not exactly the most outgoing guy in the word. In fact, he's got to be the opposite of his sister. Funny guy, but more reserved in public. We are thrilled that he is stepping up and spending this time with us.

where I dream...